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Moss Bluff Youth Soccer League

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Oct, 2019

Please Help us Retain our Referees

Have you ever caught yourself saying, "Aw come on ref!", or "What the heck was that call!", or "Call it both ways, ref", or "Do you even know what you're doing"?

Imagine how you would react if other adults were criticizing your child. 

There are a few adults that referee games in Moss Bluff, but the vast majority of our dwindling referee pool are teenagers. It's difficult to do what they do.  The fact of the matter is that throughout the country we are losing referees at an alarming rate.  75% of newly licensed soccer referees quit during or shortly after their first year.  The number one reason given is verbal abuse from players, spectators, and coaches.

Please help us create an atmosphere of fun and respect for all players, spectators, coaches, and referees.  We ask that you please not openly criticize any referee.  If you have a disagreement, questions, or concerns about a referee, please give feedback to the board.  The board will pass that feedback on to the individual that assigns referees to allow all Moss Bluff referees to learn and develop.

Remember, that if you are yelling at a teenage referee, you are yelling at a child. 

Please do your part to help us grow and retain our referees and create an atmosphere of fun and respect for everyone.